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TMC Extras:

TMC Quake 3 Arena Skin
TMC_Dozer (aka ShellShock of Quakarium fame) created this for us. It is really detailed and features the name TMC on it and is in a bright green colour. To use download the file, unzip it with Winzip (get it at http://www.winzip.com/) and put the files into your quake3\baseq3 directory. Then in game, where you choose your skin, TMC should be on of them there.

TMC Quake 2 Skin
I created this myself - our very own Matrix Clan skin for Quake 2. Stay Tuned! To use, download the file, unzip it with Winzip (get it at http://www.winzip.com/) and put the file into your quake2\baseq2\players\male directory. Then in game go to multiplayer and go to customize player. Then under male select the TMC skin.

TMC Excel Database {No longer Updated}
This is a database with information about all our players, tournaments (which will be added soon), and Fragger of the Month award (who will also get noticed on our homepage). To use download it, unzip it with Winzip (get it at http://www.winzip.com/) or Windows ME Compressed Folders and open it in Microsoft Excel or compatible database program. Sorted!

TMC Half-Life Spray Paint Logo
Another of my creations - a TMC spray paint logo for use in Half-Life, Opposing Force, Team Fortress Classic, and other Half-Life Mods. To use, download the file, unzip it with Winzip (get it at http://www.winzip.com/), put the file into your Half-Life\Logos directory. Then in game go to customize and change the logo 


Game Patches:

Quake 3 Arena (V 1.17)
The latest patch for Quake 3 Arena - V1.17 - download it to play online. Still use this - as the new one doesn't allow mods until their new versions are out - which should be VERY soon.

NEW! Quake 3 Arena (V1.27)
The new Quake 3 patch, which, like 1.25, breaks mod code - making them unusable. However the source code has been released to mod developers so they can get new versions out soon. We will soon be using this as our main patch, replacing 1.17.

Half-Life (V
The latest patch for Half-Life - V1.1.0.4 - download it to play online. Will upgrade from any version.

Counter-Strike (V 1.0) {Full}
Counter-Strike (the extremely popular Half-Life Mod) has become an official Mod (but still free) and is now out of the BETA stages. Download Half-Life: Counter-Strike - full - to play it online.

Counter-Strike (V 1.0) {Upgrade from BETA 7.1}
Counter-Strike (the extremely popular Half-Life Mod) has become an official Mod (but still free) and is now out of the BETA stages. Download Half-Life: Counter-Strike - patch from BETA 7.1 - to play it online.

Unreal Tournament (V 436)
The latest patch for Unreal Tournament - V436 - download it to play online

Q3 Fortress (BETA 1g)
The latest version for Quake 3 Arena Mod, Q3 Fortress (Q3F) - BETA 1g - download it to play online. This program will find out which patches you need to download. WARNING: Does not work with the Quake 3 BETA 1.27 patch.

Midtown Madness (v1.2)
The latest patch for Midtown Madness - v1.2 - download it to play online

C&C: Tiberian Sun (v2.03)
The latest patch for Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun - v2.03 - download it to play online